
Announcing our western headquarters and a new partnership

Date posted: July 20, 2021


Optum® Frontier Therapies, a specialty pharmacy dedicated to people with rare disease, has opened the doors to its new western headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada. The location features a state-of-the-art pharmacy and specialty distribution center, which will serve patients living with rare conditions in all 50 states.

Expert rare disease drug management

With rare diseases affecting 30 million people in the United States, Optum Frontier Therapies partners with stakeholders across health care to provide customizable pharmacy and patient services, distributes and dispenses specialty medications, and utilizes data reporting and analytics to advance therapeutic outcomes and experiences. 

Highlighting our unique approach to providing access to rare disease drugs, Albireo recently selected Optum Frontier Therapies as a limited pharmacy partner for new drug Bylvay™. 

The drug was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC), a rare disorder affecting children that causes life-threatening liver disease. For those with PFIC and other rare diseases, it may be the first time they have access to breakthrough therapies with no other treatment options.




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